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Iggy CLI

The Iggy CLI is a command-line interface that allows you to interact with the Iggy server. You can use the CLI to manage the streams, topics, partitions, messages, users and more. It is part of the core repository under cli directory and is written in Rust.


Currently, the only way to install the Iggy CLI is by using the Cargo package manager. You can install it by running the following command:

cargo install iggy-cli

Then, you can simply invoke the iggy command to see the available options and subcommands.


For example, you can use the following commands to list all the available streams given the server is running on the default address:

iggy --username iggy --password iggy stream list

or with the short syntax:

iggy -u iggy -p iggy stream list

To create a new stream with the specific TCP transport and server address, you can use the following command:

iggy --transport tcp --tcp-server-address localhost:8090 -u iggy -p secret stream create my-stream

To create a new topic within the stream with the specific partition count and retention policy, you can use the following command:

iggy -u iggy -p secret topic create my-stream my-topic 1 none 7d

To send a raw string message to the specific partition of the topic, you can use the following command:

iggy -u iggy -p iggy message send --partition-id 1 my-stream my-topic "hello world"

To fetch the messages from the specific partition of the topic, you can use the following command:

iggy -u iggy -p iggy message poll --offset 0 --message-count 10 my-stream my-topic 1

You could also login with the specific user and password for the given duration and invoke the subsequent requests. Please keep in mind that this mode is only supported on Linux systems.

iggy -u iggy -p secret login 1h
iggy stream list